Exelon is proud to support nonprofit organizations and students in our local communities. We encourage you to learn about our programs highlighted on this page and offered by our operating companies below.
If you are new here, please send an email with a description of your nonprofit organization & programs to ExelonCorporateContributions@exeloncorp.com, and we will get back to you within six weeks. If you have been invited to apply for a program grant or event sponsorship, please use the links below.
Exelon Directs Corporate Giving To Four Key Areas
We fund programs that deliver measurable, sustainable improvements in the communities we serve. We invest in organizations that have proven track records in these areas:
Building Exelon’s Future Workforce: Programs that encourage students to stay in school and develop their full potential, promote math and science, improve workforce skills, and encourage personal development through scholarships, mentoring and internships.
Energy Empowerment in Our Communities: Programs that improve the quality of our environment; promote environmental education, conservation and preservation; develop cleaner sources of energy; protect endangered species; and beautify neighborhoods.
Equal Access to Arts and Culture: Cultural institutions with broad public exposure and programs designed to make arts and culture more accessible to a wider and more diverse audience.
Enrichment Through Local Vitality: We support a wide range of nonprofit organizations that support individuals and families most in need through our Employee Engagement programs, including our Employee Giving Campaign, Matching Gifts. and Dollars for Doers. We also make a limited number of contributions in this area with strategic partners such as local United Way chapters in the communities we serve.
Guidelines For Those Who'd Like To Apply For A Grant
- Exelon awards grants to nonprofit organizations in the communities where our employees and customers live and work.
Exelon provides grants to 501(c)3 organizations, not individuals.
Grants are awarded only to organizations that do not discriminate based on religion, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.
Grants are only available to organizations that have not received one from Exelon or any subsidiaries within the past 12 months.
We will not provide support to organizations that, in their constitution or practice, discriminate against a person or group on the basis of age, political affiliation, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, HIV/AIDS status or religious belief.
Are You Applying To Fund An Event Or A Program?

Event Grant
An event occurs only once per calendar year. (Ex: golf outing, annual gala)

Program Grant
For Dues/Memberships or In-Kind requests, please choose the Exelon Grant Application.
Are you a start-up company helping to address climate change?
Energizing Student Potential (ESP)
Do you know a fourth – eighth grade student based out of Illinois, Philadelphia or Washington, D.C. interested in STEM?
Exelon Stem Leadership Academy
Are you a young woman who's a junior or senior in high school interested in STEM?